PhD Candidates in Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam - Studycor

PhD Candidates in Mathematics at the University of Amsterdam

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Eligibility: Master degree in Mathematics or related field; Fluent in English.

Duration: 4 years

Effort: 38 hours per week

Application Deadline: August 31, 2018

Funding: Gross monthly salary will range from €2,266 in the first year to €2,897 in the last year.

University of Amsterdam

The mathematical research institute of the Faculty of Science at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (also known as KdV Institute), seeks PhD candidates for 2018-2019. This center is one of the most stimulating academic environments in the world, offering candidates the ability to research topics such as stochastics, pure, applied, and numerical analysis, and algebra, geometry, and mathematical physics.

Selected candidates will be given the opportunity to lecture and instruct in mathematics within the Faculty of Science, as well as to participate in the NOW research clusters. Candidates will collaborate with the Centrum Wskunde and Informatica, the VU University, and Eurnadom in Eindhoven. They will work with roughly thirty staff members and forty postdocs and PhD students.

Two applicants will be chosen, and will receive full funding for the entire four years of the research project. The intended project is titled, “Methods from complex dynamics for locating zeroes of graph polynomials.” It is funded through the Top 1 NOW grant, “Methods from complex dynamics for locating zeros of graphs polynomials.”

To be eligible, candidates must have a master’s degree in Mathematics or a related field, and be highly motivated academics. Each candidate must be fluent in both written and spoken English, with those possessing backgrounds in the aforementioned fields of research and in teaching given preference.

Candidates will be granted temporary appointments for an initial period of eighteen months, with an extension available to the full four years. Educational plans will include attendance of courses and meetings, and the program is designed to culminate in a dissertation. In return, each recipient will receive a monthly salary that ranges from €2,266 in the first year to €2,897 in the last year.

To apply, candidates should submit an online application and the following items in a supplementary PDF document. These supplementary materials include a one-page letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a copy of a master’s thesis, a list of all courses taken and a transcript of grades, and the contact information for three referees.
All materials must be submitted no later than August 31, 2018. More information may be obtained by contacting Dr. Han Peters or Dr. Guus Regts.

To learn more and apply, click here.

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